
Teachers are the backbone of democracy

Thursday, June 22, 2017 2:58 PM

On Thursday evening, May 25, I had the pleasure of attending the Montezuma-Cortez High School graduation ceremony. I listened, watched and appreciated another example of what makes this community a vibrant, caring, positive place to live – teachers.

Teachers are the backbone of democracy. Through their efforts to draw forth from their students the ability to reason and discriminate (to weigh evidence and choose among alternatives), teachers help build good citizens.

Through their efforts to instill compassion and a sense of justice, teachers – and involved parents – help build good people. Both are necessary for strong communities – those that value justice over obedience, compassion over power and personal responsibility over entitlement.

As English teacher Joe Konik advised the class of 2017, “Question authority, but take responsibility for changes you wish to see. Live your ideals and give meaning to your life, but also never stop in your quest for truth and authenticity. Be open to life, be willing to doubt, but always believe in your ability to re-shape the world.”

Lucky we are for our teachers and for Principal Jason Wayman, who is willing to go the extra mile by showing up at the home of a truant student in order to ensure that she graduates.

Kudos, Principal Wayman, and thank you to teachers everywhere. You never know the impact that you’ve had on our lives.

Jim Dougan

