
M-CHS spotlight athlete of the week

Friday, Jan. 20, 2012 8:34 PM

Name: Destry Smith. Grade: 12. Favorite food: Pasta. Favorite color: Blue. Sport: Basketball. Favorite kind of car: My truck. Favorite thing to do: Work out. Something no-one knows about me: Born in enemy territory. Favorite actor: Chris Farley. Favorite place to shop: Sports Authority. Plans after high school: College at CSU. Favorite quote: “Do work, son.” Parents: Drett and Tanya. Summer highlights: Rafting and work. Best high school memory so far: Beating Delta in overtime this year. Favorite musical group: NeedtoBreathe. Favorite holiday and why: Christmas; family time. What you should know about me: I am pretty outgoing. Stats/Accomplishments: Leads the Panthers basketball team in rebounds.
