
Rico tulips arrive with spring

Friday, March 23, 2012 9:50 PM

Hello, dear readers! The storm is over and I am sitting near a warm, sunny window. The scene outside is a brilliant white with that San Juan blue sky.

We received, unofficially, less than a foot of snow. Last Sunday it was wintertime again and we watched the howling wind blowing the snow at a sideways angle. But all is well. The snowstorm gave us close to an inch of precipitation, because it was heavy and wet.

Our tulip heads are peeking out of the snow to announce that Tuesday, March 20, was the first day of spring.

Good news! The Dolores County School Board determined that it will be possible to keep our elementary school open this coming year. That is a biggie. Hereafter, the situation (student numbers, etc.) will be evaluated yearly, as usual, to keep the school open. We as a community love our sweet school, and it means a great deal to us that we have children that need this establishment.

A sad time in Rico. Friend Terrance (Terry) Nathanial Turner passed away on the evening of Friday, March 16, 2012, of natural causes. The Rico Volunteer Fire Department/Search and Rescue responded. He leaves his lovely wife Lana and numerous family members to mourn his passing. A memorial service will be held at a later date. Our sincere condolences to Lana and family.

Someone had mentioned that we might have some wind gusts today. I checked the mountains east of Rico and there are beautiful rooster tails of snow blowing off of Hart’s Peak and Blackhawk.

The Annual Elementary School Art Show will once again be hosted by Chef Eamonn O’Hara and the Rico Hotel on the 29th of March, around 5:30 p.m. Our celebrity chef of honor will be parent and community member Dave Kunz. His entree of choice will be excellent, you can be sure. The hotel donates a certain percentage of the evening’s income to the school. The Art Show and Dinner is a must!

Marlene Hazen has lived in Rico for two decades. An active member of the community, she participates in organizations such as the Rico Women’s Club and Rico Historical Society.
