
Rico mourns Turner’s death

Saturday, March 31, 2012 1:58 AM

Last Monday came in with the wind and dust! It was impossible to see Sleeping Ute as we approached Cortez, and the dust left its telltale mark on the snow up here. Highway 145 is dry, of course, but up on the pass the shady spots are still treacherous, I am sure. We mentioned flying kites last week, and let’s get them assembled and head for the park. It is a safe fly zone down there at the school.

Lydia Hagan, daughter of Mary and Mike Hagen, celebrated her 11th birthday last week with her entourage of friends. Happy times are so good for us.

We haven’t seen our crippled crow since we arrived back from vacation. He is an old-timer and super smart in survival tactics.

Spring break is next week for our students. The southeast corner of Utah is usually the warmest area in our little world for a week’s camping vacation. There are canyons and lots of history to explore over in that area.

The community gathered together at the fire house to remember our friend Terry Turner, who passed away the 16th of this month. Lana, Terry’s lovely wife and best friend, always spent the entire evening with us. She knows this community will support her in every way we can. We thank the Rico Volunteer Fire Department for setting up everything at the fire house for this occasion. It takes all the members to do this job the day before. Also, we appreciate Donna Martinez for planning this fine evening for Lana.

As we have mentioned before, Dr. Mick McClain (Kim) of Prescott, Ariz., and of Rico, suffered a crisis, an aneurysm, 11 months or so ago while at home in Prescott. A few days ago he spoke to Kim for the first time. Does that give you a happy smile? The family plans to bring Mick up to rehab at home here on some good old San Juan Mountains fresh air when it warms up early summer.

Kaitlin Nunley and Mike Davis recently spent several days visiting her father in Payson, Ariz.

Marlene Hazen has lived in Rico for two decades. An active member of the community, she participates in organizations such as the Rico Women’s Club and Rico Historical Society.
