
I want the most competent DA

Friday, April 6, 2012 8:40 PM


In the March 31 letter by Mac Myers, I was thanked for revealing the hysteria of the Republican Party elite. My responses are:

1) The dictionary defines hysteria as the exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion of a group of people. I have observed no hysteria among anyone with whom I have had contact.

2) I have no idea who the Republican Party elite are, since I attend only the caucus and assembly meetings.

3) I also do not care what party the DA belongs to but would certainly not change my registration in order to vote in the primary. I would vote my preference in the general election.

4) If the police officer had not wanted to attempt intimidation, he could have replied like the others who said they weren’t interested in signing a petition. No one replied, “I’m a farmer. Does that tell you anything?” or “I’m a store clerk. Does that tell you anything?” These answers could be endless with all of our occupations.

5) I want the most competent DA in our district, and that person is Russell Wasley. He has proven himself to be honest, dedicated to his job, and as tough on crime as the system will allow.

Patricia Robbins

