
Hurricane relief, recreational vehicles on Cortez council agenda

Monday, Sept. 11, 2017 4:43 PM

Issues related to disaster relief, construction and recreational vehicles are on the agenda for the Cortez City Council’s meeting on Tuesday.

The meeting will begin with a work session at 5:45 p.m., during which council members plan to discuss possible Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. After an executive session, the council’s regular meeting will convene at 7:30 p.m.

A public hearing, a construction agreement and the first reading of an amendment to an ordinance regulating RVs on city property are all on the agenda.

Council members plan to vote on an amendment to an ordinance passed in 2013 that was intended to regulate the occupation of RVs and park trailers within city limits. As it currently reads, the ordinance prohibits owners from parking RVs and trailers anywhere in the city and levies a $500 fine for those who do. According to the meeting packet distributed to the board, this is due to a typo. The beginning of the ordinance reads, “No person shall park or occupy any recreational vehicle ... on any City of Cortez street, alley or other City property” when it should read “No person shall park and occupy any recreational vehicle.” A memo in the packet, written by City Attorney Mike Green, recommends the city change the ordinance because its current reading is “unenforceable.”

The council also will hold a public hearing, during which it will vote on whether to approve a two-lot minor subdivision on a North Broadway property belonging to Bill and Joanne Teetzel. The subdivision would allow the city to buy one of the lots and build a “gateway” sign there.

The regular meeting agenda also includes a vote on a new electric pole attachment agreement with Empire Electric Association, which would require the company to install fiber optic lines on East Main Street and near the Conquistador Golf Course Pro Shop for $14.10 per pole.

The council’s work session will also include a discussion on RV parking with Green and Police Chief Roy Lane. The council will hold an executive session starting about 6:15 p.m. to discuss legal and property-related issues.
