
Pro Cycling Challenge excites Rico

Friday, April 13, 2012 9:51 PM

Hello! I just came in from watering our tiny flower garden next to the front door with an old-fashioned sprinkler can because we aren’t hooked up to the outdoor faucet as yet. The Alaskan daisies, lupine, columbine and daffodils seem so fragile as they sit there embracing the warm sunshine. They need a gardener with some expertise and know-how.

Easter Sunday was a warm, pleasant and perfect Rico day. Church was busy early in the day with Rico children carrying on with the traditional Easter activities. The church service was well attended with Pastor Suzy Meyer again serving the church and conducting the service.

Virginia (Billy) Graham, a member of the Montezuma Historical Society in Cortez, stated the other day in our conversation that the Montezuma County Historical Society would like to donate to the Rico Town Library all four volumes of the “Great Sage Plain to Timberline” series that it has published, based on our pioneer history in Southwest Colorado. This is an extraordinarily special gift and the town library will be truly delighted we are certain. Virginia has been doing a column in the Cortez Journal entitled “Looking Back” and last April 7 was the third and final part with one of the characters, Chancy Snyder, that made our history interesting! Thank you, dear friends.

A friend over on the Front Range sent a clipping from the Denver Post which was in regard to the planned Pro Cycling Challenge race to take place in August. The article stated that tiny Rico is situated on the route that takes the cyclists from Durango to Telluride on the first leg of the journey. I do not know how the journalist, Nancy Lofholm, managed this interview with our fine chef Eamonn O’Hara of the Rico Hotel Lodge and Argentine Grill, but she did. She quoted Eamonn as stating that he puts on a suit once a year. This year it will be for the Pro Cycling Challenge race. He said that if even one person goes through here and thinks “I’m going to come back and visit or come back and buy property here” then that is important! Eamonn and Linda are wonderful ambassadors to this community, and we do know that!

An early notice to our summer Schwan customers: It is nearly mid-April, and we need to get the word out that as of the 5th of last December, Schwan Home Delivery Service was discontinued for Rico. We will miss their service terribly! But, all is not lost — the company will do a convenient doorstop delivery via UPS! Simply go to or call 888-724-9267, select “main order delivery” and enter your promo code which is 5C. The order will be shipped via cooler and packed in dry ice to ensure that it arrives in the carefully frozen manner we expect from Schwan’s. We have missed not having their superb service this winter.

Marlene Hazen has lived in Rico for two decades. An active member of the community, she participates in organizations such as the Rico Women’s Club and Rico Historical Society.
