
Sheriff’s Posse accepting scholarship applications

Wednesday, May 2, 2012 9:32 PM

The Montezuma County Sheriff’s Posse is currently accepting applications for their 2012 college scholarship awards. Each year the Sheriff’s Posse Scholarships are available to any student residing in Montezuma County who has or will be graduating from high school and is planning to attend an accredited junior college or four-year university. Scholarships may also be awarded to a student currently enrolled in an accredited college or university. The scholarship may be used at an in-state or an out-of-state school.

Applicants are selected based on several criteria including: scholastic achievement, participation in extra-curricular activities, community service, college major relative to intended career path, and financial need. Although all fields of study qualify, the Posse would very much like to help deserving students who are endeavoring to study toward a career in the field of public safety.

Students interested in applying should contact their high school counseling office for an application. Final date for filing applications is May 21. Please contact Luann Meyer at (970) 739-6874 with questions.
