
Lockhart gets saddle bronc win

Friday, May 11, 2012 10:51 PM

Ute Mountain Rodeo teams are in the midst of their season and saddles are heating up.

Tanner Lockhart scored a saddle bronc win in Eagle, Colo. on May 5, for the high school team. He bucked his way to a top score of 68.

The high school and junior high cowboys and cowgirls were also in Henderson on April 27-28.

Cayce Lockhart took third in junior high barrel racing at 18.454. In ribbon roping, she teamed with Jace Norell to take seventh in 20.190.

In day one of the high school division, dally team roping saw Harlie Williams and Jake Cruzan place third with a 10.80. In bareback riding, Dax Koskie, second; score 60. Barrel racing, Emma Reim, 19th, 19.420; Shanya Neighbors, 20th, 19.526; and, Kacey Schurr, 26th, 23.100. In goat tying, Schurr was sixth, 9.60. Pole Bending had Reim, 20th, 27.611; and, Neighbors, 21st, 29.451.

Day two barrel racing was Schurr, eighth, 18.056; and, Neighbors, 19th, 19.584. Goat tying, Schurr, 10th, 12.940. Pole Bending had Reim, 17th, 26.547; and, Neighbors, 22nd, 33.918.

On May 4-5, the buckaroos were in Eagle.

Day one junior high action barrel racing was Cayce Lockhart taking ninth with a 18.924. Cassie Finley placed fourth in girls goat tying at 12.810. Dally team ropers Cade Van Soelen and Cheylin Corman took second (17.10).

Cayce Lockhart and Finley were sixth (13.180) and 10th (23.935) in barrel racing and goat tying on day two. Van Solen and Corman took second (11.370) in dally team roping.

Day one high school dally team roping had Williams and Cruzan place ninth in 18.960. Wyatt Mattausch held on for a fifth-place score of 61 in bull riding. Barrel racing, Schurr, 12th, 18.331; and, Neighbors, 31st, 25.008. Goat tying, Schurr, 11th, 10.380. Pole bending, Neighbors, 14th, 26.133.

Schurr and Neighbors came in 10th (18.180) and 29th (25.167) in second day barrel racing. Schurr was 11th (11.560) in goat tying, Neighbors took 22nd (31.613) in pole bending.

Other team members that traveled to Henderson and Eagle were Trevor Holaday, Keenan Elliott, Kyle Likes, Wiley Kirks and Whitney Finley.

The next rodeo competition is today and Sunday in Pagosa Springs, and Lamar, May 18-20.

Other notable rodeos include, Colorado Jr. High State Finals in Monte Vista on May 25–26. Colorado High School State Finals in Lamar June 6-10. Jr. High National Finals in Gallup, N.M., June 24-30. The High School National Finals are in Rock Springs, Wyo., July 15-21.
