The county clerk will soon be mailing out the ballots to registered voters in Montezuma County for the Republican primary. I can not stress how important it is that you exercise your right to vote. However, before you cast your vote I urge you to study the district two commissioner candidates qualifications closely. What is their position on important issues; how diverse is their business experience; what have they personally invested in supporting Montezuma County by serving on various boards and helping the local Republican Party of Montezuma County with both their time and donations? After studying all these factors, vote for the candidate you feel best suited for the office they seek.
I ask that you closely look at Pat DeGagne-Rules record in the above categories. I believe you will find that she far exceeds her two opponents in all these areas and that you will be impressed with the background and experience she brings to the Board of County Commissioners. Her diversity of business experience is particularly important, as being a commissioner is no different that being the CEO of a large, diversified business. She has been a partner in starting two successful business, held important positions in large companies and has a degree in business administration.
Lastly, I ask that you consider the fact a woman has not served as county commissioner since Helen McClellan served from 1992 to 1996. After 20 years of not electing a female commissioner, isnt this a great opportunity to show that Montezuma County can, again, elect a highly qualified female as county commissioner? Not only is Ms. DeGagne-Rule highly qualified for this position, but based on the facts, I believe she is the best qualified candidate.
She is always accessible and will be available to answer any questions you may have before the election and will also be available to hear any county-related concerns you may have after she is your county commissioner. Please say yes to hard work and dedication! Vote for Pat DeGagne-Rule, Commissioner, District Two.
Lavena Snyder
Via e-mail