
New and old businesses on Cortez council meeting agenda

Monday, Oct. 23, 2017 3:32 PM

The Cortez City Council will meet Tuesday night to vote on several resolutions that may impact established local businesses and new ones hoping to move in.

After the regular meeting begins at 7:30 p.m., the council will hold five public hearings for final readings of resolutions and ordinances it has discussed before, and will vote on several new decisions. One resolution would approve a site development plan for an expansion at Maverik Country Store on Dolores Road, while another would transfer a liquor license to a new restaurant on Main Street. A workshop before the meeting, scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m., will include more 2018 budget discussions, this time to focus on nonprofit grant requests.

At the Cortez Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on Oct. 3, the board voted to approve a site plan that would allow Maverik to expand its services for trucks and recreational vehicles. The store owners plan to install eight new gas pumps, more parking space, a truck scale and an RV dump site next year. The council will vote on final approval for the store’s site development plan and amended plat in two of Tuesday’s public hearings.

Another item on the agenda will be a vote on a conditional-use permit that would allow 12 new Verizon cellular antennas to be installed on the roof of West Slope Liquors on 2212 E. Main St. That permit was also recommended for approval at the last Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.

The council will also vote on whether to transfer the liquor license for Nero’s Restaurant, currently at 303 W. Main St., to a new restaurant called Mirch Masala, which will move into the building soon.

In the workshop before the regular meeting, council members will continue their discussions on the 2018 city budget, which began on Oct. 10. Most of the agenda will be taken up with requests for funding from various nonprofits, but at the last workshop, council members said they may also discuss more details of the 2018 water budget if time permits.

Both the workshop and the meeting are open to the public.

Other actionDuring the meeting, the City Council will also:

Hold a public comment period.Vote on approving the final plat of a subdivision on the Montezuma County public facilities planned development near the intersection of Empire Street and Mildred Road.Vote on the final reading of an ordinance that would create a Public Art Advisory Committee for Cortez.Vote on whether to approve an application for a Great Outdoors Colorado grant that would allow the city to purchase the old Montezuma-Cortez High School property.Vote on whether to award a bid for replacing the Cortez Recreation Center’s heating, vent and air conditioning system to FCI Construction, Inc.Vote on a resolution requesting that the Colorado General Assembly reauthorize the state lottery division to continue using lottery money to fund Great Outdoors Colorado and other funds that benefit parks and wildlife, after its current authorization expires in 2018.
