
The Biggest Losers!

Friday, June 1, 2012 11:29 PM
Shelly and Bud Griffin stand in the Ute Mountain Recreation Center weight room on Tuesday after winning the rec. center’s Biggest Loser contest. The married couple combined to lose 82 pounds in just more than two months.
Shelly and Bud Griffin sit in their Lewis home 18 months ago. The couple won the first Biggest Loser contest at the Ute Mountain Recreation Center in Towaoc. They lost a combined 82 pounds, which is nearly a body fat composition decrease of 16 percent.

We all know weight loss takes dedication and hard work.

But, perhaps more importantly, it takes the right attitude.

Bud and Shelly Griffin have been happily married for five years. They found a new activity to do for fun about a year and a half ago called “zumba,” which is a Latin dance workout program.

The Griffin’s are employees of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe and have taken advantage of the free use of the Ute Mountain Recreation Center in Towaoc.

Doing zumba for a year at the rec. center, the Griffin’s lost a good amount of weight. But it was time to take things to another level.

“Team Griffin” joined the Biggest Loser. Only this program was not the hit reality TV series. Ute Mountain Rec. Center trainer Rob Robson conducted a two month, one week “Biggest Loser” program.

Through diet and exercise, and the right attitude, Team Griffin made a furious rally in the final week from fourth-place to the top of the results board. With a combined weight loss of 82 pounds and a body fat composition decrease of 16 percent, Team Griffin won the first Ute Mountain Rec. Center, Biggest Loser contest.

“We did it strictly through diet and exercise,” Shelly said. “No gimmicks, no pills, no concoctions, no nothing.”

The Lewis couple love their life changes and don’t appear to be letting up any time soon. Bud lost 57 pounds during the Biggest Loser challenge and has dropped 126 pounds the last 18 months. The 6-foot-3 fitness enthusiast is down to 244 pounds from 370 and has a goal of 225 pounds.

“For once in my lifetime, I want to get buff. I’ve always been a big (heavyset) guy,” said Bud, 56, who now lifts weights at least four days a week.

Shelly, 49, shedded 25 pounds during Biggest Loser and has lost 73 pounds the last 18 months. She has trimmed from 267 pounds to 194 and has a vision of weighing 165.

“Oh man that would be cool,” said Shelly, excitedly. “I have a goal to do that by my birthday.”

The Griffin’s have each incorporated more strength training into their workout regimen through the guidance of Robson. Running for cardiovascular endurance has become an enjoyable exercise, too.

“I always used to hate jogging,” said Bud, who has transformed to a pant size 40 from a size 50. “Now, for the first time in my life, I can jog three or four miles. I’ve never been able to do that in my life.”

The Griffin’s stuck to a 1,200 calorie daily diet high in fiber, raw vegetables and soups. Bud and Shelly ate more carbohydrates on the weekends, but in smaller portions. Shelly saw her waist shrink from a women’s 25 to 12.

“It’ totally changed my life,” said Shelly, who will compete in the women’s division of the second annual Ute Mountain strongman competition July 14. “I haven’t pulled my wedding dress out yet. I’m embarrassed to say I was that big.”

Bud took home the top individual weight loss prize of $400.

“They had the best attitude of anyone I’ve seen trying to lose weight,” said Robson about Team Griffin. “They never complained, never made excuses. They did what I asked them to. They were excited for the challenge and they were rewarded for it. They’re the perfect clients for a personal trainer”

When the Griffin’s aren’t lighting up the gym, people can find them at the Montezuma County Fairgrounds Speedway racing hobby stock cars. Shelly was the track hobby stock rookie of the year in 2011.

Overall, a total of 458 pounds were lost in Biggest Loser. With the success of the program, Robson will hold another competition beginning in August.

“I was hoping for at least 500 (pounds lost), but close though,” Robson said. “It did turn out better than I expected, though. I mean, I would be happy with a couple hundred (pounds lost).”

Team Lightfoot (Marissa Maxwell and India Roamhorse) placed second, losing 51 pounds and a body fat percentage of 13.3.

Tammy Johnson and Terri Wells (T-N-T) came in third, trimming 56 pounds amounting to a 12.5 percent fat loss.

Reach Bobby Abplanalp at
