
Police Blotter

Monday, Nov. 20, 2017 7:26 PM

Saturday, Nov. 4

12:50 a.m.: A man was arrested in the 500 block of West Main St. on suspicion of DUI after he was pulled over for weaving.

Tuesday, Nov. 7

2:01 p.m.: Police responded to a report of theft at First National Bank, 2258 E. Main St. A man claimed a lawnmower, valued at $480, and a leaf blower had been stolen from his vehicle while he was in the bank the previous day. The case remains under investigation.

5:20 p.m.: A man was arrested in the 100 block of North Mildred Road on suspicion of being intoxicated in a roadway. He was medically cleared at Southwest Memorial Hospital due to severe intoxication.

Wednesday, Nov. 8

1:08 a.m.: A man was arrested outside West Slope Liquors, 2217 E. Main St., on suspicion of DUI and failure to present proof of insurance after a drive-thru employee reported he was trying to buy alcohol and appeared to be intoxicated. He was medically cleared at Southwest Memorial Hospital.
