
Furse holds on to DA win

Saturday, July 7, 2012 2:25 PM

More than a week after the final primary election ballots were cast, Will Furse appears to have triumphed in his bid to unseat 22nd Judicial District Attorney Russell Wasley.

With all votes in both Montezuma and Dolores counties now tallied, Furse received 1,941 while Wasley came up just short with 1,923 votes. Because of the extremely narrow margin — just under the limit of one half of one percent — the race automatically qualifies for a recount. One-half of one percent of the ballots cast in the DA race would be 19.32.

“I’m thrilled. These results are the joyful consequence of so many wonderful people’s hard work and dedication,” Furse told a Journal reporter late Friday. “This election represents a new day for our deserving community.”

Wasley, however was not yet ready to concede defeat.

“I do not know at this point if there will be a recount” he said. “I do want to congratulate Mr. Furse on running an effective campaign.”

Furse had held a slim nine-vote lead since June 26, but election officers in both counties had withheld 25 ballots — the minimum number needed to run a batch through the counting machine — to ensure that they could count outstanding military ballots and ballots they were holding for voters’ signatures. The remaining ballots were counted on Friday.

In Montezuma County, DA votes on 17 of the 26 uncounted ballots had gone to Furse. The final Montezuma County vote had Furse with 1,852 votes to Wasley’s 1,801.

Dolores County reported late Friday afternoon that Wasley had received 122 total votes there, while Furse finished with 89 in that county. Wasley’s Dolores County advantage could not overcome his Montezuma County deficit.

Montezuma County Clerk Carol Tullis said the results would have to be forwarded to the Colorado Secretary of State’s office, and the state would then have 10 days to verify and make the results official.

Reach Michael Maresh at
