Amazon mission presentation
Friday, July 20, 2012 10:32 PM
Dr. John Melanconhas just returned from a two-week missions trip to the Amazon jungle and will do a PowerPoint presentation on his mission on Sunday, July 22 at 10:30 a.m. at Grace Baptist Church, 6176 Hwy. 160 South (1/2 mile south of the M&M truck stop). The trip with Youth Frameworks is a part of the Amazon Project and included teaching 45 students enrolled in the seminary and conducting Vacation Bible School in nine villages on the Amazon and Yana Yacu Rivers. The seminary operates under the auspices of Texas Baptist Institute and included a team from Texas, Arkansas, Mexico, and Dr. Melancon from Cortez. Dr. Melancon taught Bible Backgrounds in the seminary and 150 adult students in the VBS classes. The public is invited to attend this presentation and a question and answer session afterwards.