
Mancos heads to committee for Citizen of the Year

Sunday, Dec. 17, 2017 8:18 PM

Mancos will soon have a new Citizen of the Year.

Nominations were due Dec. 1 and the current Citizen of the Year, Dr. Linda Simmons, is curating her committee.

The committee will consist of three people, including Simmons, who will be instrumental in choosing her successor.

Simmons said she tried to find people for her committee that may have won the award before.

Through the Mancos Chamber of Commerce, Simmons received about 15 envelopes with recommendations, though some contestants were nominated twice.

“Well, you know it is very interesting as you look at that list of people who have been winners in the past, there is really a wide variety,” Simmons said. “It is sometimes an individual who has given a great deal to the community.”

Simmons is very involved in the community of Mancos and believes that people need to serve their communities, but was still surprised when she won the award last year.

“I got the call in January, and it was an absolute, total surprise,” Simmons said. “I am involved in a lot of things within the community but I didn’t ever think that would be in my future.”

Simmons is the president of the Mancos Historical Society, and worked on the creation of the historic district, the commodities program and various women’s organizations.

“They have a wonderful little celebration when the award is made,” Simmons said. “I do try to check in with them (the Chamber of Commerce) every once and a while and that person also is the grand Marshal of the Mancos Days parade.”

The history of the town is what drew Simmons to Mancos, but the creativity, resilience and generosity is what made her stay.

She highlighted on the young farming community in the area and the small town aspect.

“It is the kind of community that even though it is a small town and you have all the problems of a small town, that also, I will tell you what if there is some sort of tragedy or need, man the people are right there,” Simmons said.
