
Mesa Verde celebrates 96th birthday of national parks

Monday, Aug. 20, 2012 9:37 PM

Mesa Verde National Park will celebrate the 96th birthday of the National Park Service on Saturday, Aug. 25. Kids ages 4 to 12 can become a Mesa Verde Junior Ranger by learning how to be good stewards, playing Cliff Dwelling Bingo, and enjoying kids’ activities at the Junior Ranger Station. Junior Ranger activity booklets can be picked up at the Far View Visitor Center or Chapin Mesa Archeological Museum. The Junior Ranger Station, located in the courtyard of the Museum, will be open from noon to 3 p.m.

“Birthdays are a time to celebrate and we want everyone, especially the children of America, to join the party,” said Park Superintendent Cliff Spencer in a written release from Mesa Verde National Park. “National parks belong to all Americans and offer something for everyone — so visit the park, take a hike, go on a tour or just take in the scenery.”

The National Park Service was established on Aug. 25, 1916. The United States was the first country in the world to set aside its most significant places as national parks so that they could be enjoyed by all. Today, we care for 397 national parks throughout the country — each one an important part of our collective identity. Some parks commemorate notable people and achievements, others conserve magnificent landscapes and natural wonders, and all provide a place to have fun and learn something. Plan your visit at

The mission of the National Park Service extends beyond parks into communities across the country where we work with partners to help preserve local history and create close-to-home recreational opportunities that revitalize neighborhoods and enhance the quality of life. To see what we do here in Colorado, go to
