
Re-1 school board renews Kiva charter, gets demolition update

Monday, Jan. 22, 2018 2:13 PM

The Montezuma-Cortez Re-1 School board on Tuesday learned that the first phase of the retired high school’s demolition and asbestos abatement was complete, and it approved the renewal of the charter for the Kiva Montessori School.

Owner’s representative Jim Ketter, reporting on the demolition process, stated that the only asbestos left in the old high school on W. Seventh Street was on the coating of some walls.

“Work is proceeding as quickly as possible in a manner that is safe and cost-effective to the taxpayers,” Ketter said.

Ketter also reported that the job now requires a second crew to work alongside the first.

The board was concerned about cost, but Ketter assured them there would be no additional cost because of the additional crew.

“Fortunately, Colorado Hazard has repeatedly committed to honoring their original quote at cost per square foot number,” Ketter said.

The board also approved the renewal of the Charter for the Kiva Montessori school.

A group of parents and administrators from the school attended the meeting and thanked the district for work on the charter.

“We would just like to thank everyone at the district for all the time and effort you have put into our charter renewal,” Nate Seeley said. “We really appreciate that.”

The board also passed a motion on second reading to allow parents to administer medical marijuana to their child on school grounds, in accordance to state policy. The state policy does not allow for medical marijuana to be smoked on school grounds.

“We are obligated to allow parents to come onto campus and administer medical marijuana to their student,” Susan Ciccia, registered nurse at Montezuma-Cortez schools, said at the December board meeting. “The reason I am making this policy proposal to you is so that when we do have parents that come to us, we are ready for that. We are ready to protect that student, the parent’s rights and the rest of our students while that is happening.”

After more discussion the board passed the motion unanimously.

“It is not where I want to be, but it is where we have to be,” Wright said.

Tuesday’s monthly meeting opened with a celebration, as part of Colorado’s school board appreciation month. District Superintendent Lori Haukeness presented gifts to board members, and board President Sherri Wright offered words of appreciation.

“I just want to say that we have the very best board. Everybody on this board is so on fire and wants to improve student learning,” Wright said. “I am so amazed at how hard and how well we work together.”

In other action, the board voted unanimously to renew Haukeness’ contract as superintendent. Superintendent evaluations were to be turned in by board members to be discussed in executive session.
