
The Republican agenda becomes obvious

Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012 11:25 PM


Now that the identity of the Republican VP candidate has been released, their primary agenda becomes very obvious; they plan to eliminate or severely decimate two of our long-standing and important programs, Social Security and Medicare. This of course will allow them to continue the outlandish tax breaks for the wealthy individuals and corporations that form the basis of their support, all at the expense of the bulk of our population, the middle and lower class Americans.

A review of our history will show that it was the hard work and dedication of the lower and middle class that produced that wealth for the few and for the corporations. Their cash rewards have been increasing and accumulating for decades, while the net incomes of the lower and middle classes have been diminishing at an alarming rate. It is time to turn the tables, instead of ending Social Security and Medicare, we must correct the error that was made at their inception; both programs need to become universal, all Americans must be enrolled in each program under the same rules, no exceptions. The addition of millions of new members all paying the same tax rate on all of their income will add millions or billions to these programs and should allow for reductions in the overall tax and premium rates that will keep the programs solvent and healthy for years to come.

I realize that this is easier said than done, but I also believe that, if we gather a nonpartisan task force of the best minds from academia and nonpartisan think tanks, the overwhelming issues can be resolved and a reasonable and workable solution can be found. Until that can be brought about, we must band together and defeat the Republican agenda that will further polarize our population. We must stop their plans to continue to make the wealthy individuals and corporations richer at the expense of the vast majority of Americans. It is time to stop giving huge tax breaks to corporations that pay multimillion or multibillion dollar salaries and bonuses to their CEOs and CFOs.

Robert Becker


