
Judy Spady

Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012 12:35 AM
Judy Spady, Bayfield, alternate delegate to the 2012 Republican National Convention.

Unpledged alternate

(Supports Ron Paul)

Last winter, it seemed for a while that Mitt Romney had won the Iowa caucus by six votes.

But then Judy Spady helped discover an error in the vote-counting. Her research eventually forced Iowa Republicans to declare Rick Santorum the winner, which helped keep Romney from sewing up the nomination easily.

The feat made Spady a minor Internet hero in some political circles. She has been involved in politics for several years through the Tea Party movement.

Locally, she fought against La Plata County’s comprehensive plan. Nationally, she joined Watch the Vote, an anti-election fraud effort. She was working for Watch the Vote when she took pictures of a computer screen showing 22 votes for Romney at an Iowa precinct where he really had only two.

She’s an uncompromising supporter of Ron Paul and said she will write in his name on the November ballot rather than vote for Romney.

“It’s more important to vote for the principle over the party, rather than the other way around,” Spady said.
