
Yes – Best are in charge now

Thursday, Feb. 15, 2018 4:16 PM

I’m replying to the venomous and false statements of the far left liberal Richard M. Feit (Journal, Jan. 9).

So, the best and brightest should have been “Email Hillary?” Yeah, right!Liberals are not right. They are far left.No, we can’t agree that the executive branch is a “fecal-slinging show,” as Feit calls it.He said, “Human dignity is calling.” Excuse me, but the liberal left supports abortion!No. The media did not usher in this president. Just the opposite; the media was 100 percent behind crooked Hillary. And finally Mr. Liberal – you have the gall to say “God bless America” when you espouse anti-American values.You people lost the election – get over it and get a life!

Marvin Hermanns

