
Police Blotter

Friday, March 2, 2018 5:10 PM
Journal/Sam Green

Saturday, Feb. 17

2:13 p.m.: A man was arrested in the 300 block of South Broadway on suspicion of violating bail bond conditions.

4:14 p.m.: A man was cited on suspicion of shoplifting at Big R, 1319 E. Main St., after employees reported he had put on a hoodie valued at $54.99 and left the store without paying for it.

5:26 p.m.: Two men were arrested in the 700 block of South Cedar Street after police responded to a report they were stealing from a dumpster that belonged to a recently deceased resident. One man reportedly gave his brother’s name. Once police recognized his identity, he was arrested on a local felony warrant and on suspicion of criminal impersonation. An empty syringe was found in one of his pockets, and two were found in the vehicle into which the men had been loading items. A piece of tape with heroin residue on it and a container of the sedative Alprazolam was found in the other man’s possession. He was arrested on suspicion of possessing a Schedule 1 controlled substance, a Schedule 4 controlled substance and drug paraphernalia.

8:36 p.m.: A man was arrested in the 500 block of North Elm Street on suspicion of being intoxicated in the roadway after police responded to a report he was sleeping in a driveway. When police offered to give him a ride to the Bridge Emergency Shelter, he reportedly refused and began to walk into traffic. He was transported to Southwest Memorial Hospital for a medical clearance but reportedly refused to cooperate with hospital staff.

10:41 p.m.: A man was cited in the 700 block of Brookside Drive on suspicion of DUI, DUI per se and weaving after police responded to a report that he was swerving and had almost hit street signs.

Sunday, Feb. 18

4:28 p.m.: A man was arrested in the 800 block of East Main Street on a La Plata County warrant for failure to appear on a felony charge and on suspicion of driving under restraint and with obstructed windshields after he was pulled over for driving with an illegal window tint.

Monday, Feb. 19

11:04 a.m.: A man was arrested in Centennial Park, 800 E. Montezuma Ave., on a warrant for failure to appear on a local misdemeanor charge.

Tuesday, Feb. 20

3:31 p.m.: A man was arrested in Centennial Park, 800 E. Montezuma Ave., on suspicion of indecent exposure and resisting arrest after police observed him urinating near the playground. During the arrest, the man reportedly punched an officer, who forced him to the ground. He also reportedly refused to get into the patrol car, and officers dragged him inside. He was cleared at Southwest Memorial Hospital due to severe intoxication and a cut on his head from hitting the ground.

3:36 p.m.: A man was cited for trespassing in the 2200 block of East Main Street after the property owner reported he and four other men refused to leave the area. The other four men were issued trespass notices.

6:03 p.m.: A man was arrested in the 500 block of East Montezuma Avenue on suspicion of violating a protection order, resisting arrest and obstructing government operations after police responded to a report he was trying to break into a boarded-up residence. He reportedly told officers the property owner had told him the residence was on fire. He reportedly showed signs of severe intoxication, in violation of a protection order that prohibited him from consuming alcohol. He reportedly refused to get into the patrol car during the arrest, demanding learn probable cause for the arrest. When he wedged his foot in the car door to prevent officers from closing it, one of them reportedly exposed him to a stun gun. He was cleared at Southwest Memorial Hospital due to intoxication and stun gun exposure.

10:04 p.m.: A man was arrested in the 900 block of East Empire Street on suspicion of failing to signal as required and driving under restraint.

11:52 p.m.: A man was arrested in the 1600 block of Rolling Road on suspicion of DUI, DUI per se, operating an uninsured vehicle, criminal mischief, domestic violence, failing to drive in a single lane, displaying expired plates, failing to obey a stop sign and driving with no brake lights after his ex-girlfriend reported he had broken several glasses, a light and a TV in her house before leaving in a defective pickup.

Wednesday, Feb. 21

11:03 a.m.: A man was arrested at Montezuma County Combined Courts, 865 N. Park St., on a warrant for failure to appear on a misdemeanor charge.

10:18 p.m.: Two men were arrested in the 1000 block of Jackson Street after being pulled over for driving without license plate lamps. The driver was arrested on suspicion of driving under restraint, driving an uninsured vehicle and driving without illuminated plates. Officers deployed a K9 to check the vehicle for drugs. A small bag of hydrocodone pills was found in a backpack in the seat where the passenger had been sitting. He was arrested on suspicion of possessing a Schedule II controlled substance.

Thursday, Feb. 22

2:53 a.m.: Two men were arrested in the 300 block of West Main Street after police contacted a man standing next to their vehicle in a parking lot. One man was arrested on a La Plata County warrant for failure to appear on a misdemeanor charge. The other gave police false identification at first, but the officers’ database uncovered his identity. Officers arrested him on a warrant for failure to appear on a local misdemeanor charge. He was also arrested on suspicion of possessing a Schedule II narcotic after a small bag of meth was found on his person. The other man was charged with possessing a Schedule I narcotic after officers found peyote and two meth pipes in his vehicle.

2 p.m.: A man was arrested at Montezuma County Combined Courts, 865 N. Park St., on a warrant for failure to appear on a local misdemeanor charge.

4:59 p.m.: A man was arrested outside Cortez Church of Christ, 631 E. Montezuma Ave., on suspicion of trespassing, disturbing the peace and an open container violation after a pastor requested he be removed from the property. When officers gave the man a trespass notice, he reportedly refused to sign it and began swearing loudly within earshot of students at Kemper Elementary School, which was letting out at the time. Two open vodka bottles and one open whiskey bottle were found in the man’s possession. He was cleared at Southwest Memorial Hospital due to intoxication.

Saturday, Feb. 24

12 a.m.: A woman was arrested at Angel’s End Zone, 309 N. Broadway, on suspicion of DUI and reckless driving after police responded to a report she had driven someone else’s vehicle into a bench on the south side of the building, causing $100 in damage. She had reportedly mistaken the vehicle for her own. She was cleared at Southwest Memorial Hospital due to intoxication, but did not appear to be injured.

12:49 p.m.: A man was arrested at Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St., on suspicion of trespassing and disturbing the peace after employees reported he was intoxicated and refusing to leave. He reportedly tried to resist when officers handcuffed him, but stopped after they grabbed his arms. He was cleared at Southwest Memorial Hospital due to intoxication.

1:57 p.m.: A man was arrested in the 700 block of South Broadway on suspicion of driving under restraint after being pulled over because his vehicle looked like a vehicle of interest in a reported drug deal. Police reportedly saw empty plastic bags with suspicious residue inside the vehicle, but none contained a measurable amount of the substance.

5:48 p.m.: A man was cited for trespassing at City Market, 508 E. Main St.

7:02 p.m.: The same man was arrested at City Market, 508 E. Main St., on suspicion of trespassing and violating bond conditions after he refused to leave the area. He was cleared at Southwest Memorial Hospital due to intoxication. Officers requested special consideration for the man in sentencing, saying that his history of misdemeanors showed he was homeless and might be breaking the law in order to be taken to jail, rather than staying in a shelter or on the streets.

10:07 p.m.: A man was arrested in the 300 block of South Maple Street on suspicion of disturbing the peace after a woman reported he was trying to break into her house. He was cleared at Southwest Memorial Hospital due to intoxication.

11:28 p.m.: A man was arrested in the 10 block of South Cactus Street on suspicion of possessing a controlled substance, possessing drug paraphernalia, failing to display headlights, driving an uninsured vehicle, displaying expired number plates and driving under restraint. His vehicle, which did not have current registration or insurance, was towed. Police found a loaded syringe, a plastic container and a cotton ball containing heroin, as well as two small bags of meth and a moderate amount of white residue suspected to be meth in the vehicle. The suspect reportedly said the items in the car didn’t belong to him, but he would not name their owner.

Sunday, Feb. 25

12:28 a.m.: A man was cited ssued a summons in the 200 block of West Main Street on suspicion of DUI, DUI per se and failing to use a turn signal.

7:52 a.m.: A man was arrested in the 1 block of North Market Street on a Colorado Department of Corrections warrant for failure to appear on a felony charge. He was cleared at Southwest Memorial Hospital due to suspected drug intoxication.

11:21 a.m.: A man was arrested in the 400 block of Juniper Place on a warrant for failure to appear on a local felony charge. During his transport to the jail, he reportedly started yelling profanities and banged his head against the patrol car partition, resulting in a small cut on his forehead.

12:57 p.m.: A man was arrested in the 100 block of West Main Street on suspicion of unlawful distribution and possession of a controlled substance and driving under restraint. Eight small bags containing a total of 7.8 grams of meth were found in his pockets.

4:53 p.m.: A woman was issued a summons on suspicion of shoplifting at City Market, 508 E. Main St., after employees reported she had tried to steal a cheesecake, some coffee and some coffee filters, valued at $15.67 total, by hiding them in her purse.

Monday, Feb. 26

11:57 a.m.: A woman was served with a warrant for failure to appear on a local felony charge at Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

2:15 p.m.: A man was arrested at Montezuma County Combined Courts, 865 N. Park St., on a warrant for failure to appear on a local misdemeanor charge.

3:15 p.m.: A man turned himself in at Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St., and was arrested on a warrant for failure to appear on a local misdemeanor charge.

9:20 p.m.: A man was arrested on suspicion of violating a protection order after a report of a fight involving him at Conoco, 302 W. Main St. He was cleared at Southwest Memorial Hospital due to intoxication. At the jail, he reportedly became “combative” and challenged deputies to fight him. They reportedly tackled him after he refused to walk to his cell.

10:02 p.m.: A man was arrested at Giant gas station, 2320 E. Main St., on a San Juan County, New Mexico, warrant for failure to appear on a larceny charge after a report of a dispute between him and another man over a vehicle.

Tuesday, Feb. 27

4:26 a.m.: A woman was arrested at Arby’s, 504 S. Broadway, on a warrant for failure to appear on a local misdemeanor charge.

11:21 a.m.: A man was arrested in the 600 block of East Montezuma Avenue on a warrant for failure to appear on a local misdemeanor charge.

5:53 p.m.: A man was arrested at Montezuma County Combined Courts, 865 N. Park St., on nine Montezuma County warrants and on suspicion of introducing contraband. He was cleared at Southwest Memorial Hospital due to a panic attack. While he was being transported to jail, he reportedly took a bag of meth out of his pocket and left it in the seat of the patrol car. A bag containing two marijuana joints was found in his pocket during the booking process.

6:57 p.m.: A man was arrested in the 500 block of East Montezuma Avenue on suspicion of trespassing and unlawful possession of a controlled substance after trying to remove a board from a boarded-up window. A plastic container of meth was found in his pocket, and the building’s owner reportedly said the man did not have permission to be on the property.

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