
The Piñon Project’s ‘Vision for the World’

Monday, March 12, 2018 7:44 PM
Katalina Nicolas spins the globe of the new art installation outside The Piñon Project to applause and cheers from the group on March 10.
A new interactive sculpture was installed outside The Piñon Project as part of Tiospaye’s leadership training program’s community service project. The group hopes to plant a garden under the sculpture in spring.
A new sign outside The Piñon Project’s headquarters on Main Street features “visions for the world” submitted by staff and clients at the nonprofit. It was designed by members of Piñon’s staff as part of an “emotional intelligence” training they received from the Durango-based organization Tiospaye and promotes peace, family and kindness. The Piñon Project is a nonprofit that offers educational and support programs for parents, teens and children. It is located at 210 E. Main St.
The Piñon Project’s sign features answers to the question, “What is your vision for the world?” from the nonprofit’s clients and staff.