
Cortez Sanitation District board appoints secretary

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2017 4:16 PM

The Cortez Sanitation District has appointed Jim Fisher to the vacant position of secretary and treasurer.

During its monthly meeting on Monday, the district board of directors voted to make Fisher the new secretary and treasurer of the district. His job will include providing an official signature for board documents and presiding over meetings when the president and vice president are unable to attend.

The new district manager, Jan Grogan, brought up the need for the position after she found out the board hasn’t filled it since the previous secretary, Teri Thomas, resigned in the fall.

At first, the board wasn’t sure whether appointing a secretary was a priority, since district regulations allow the position to stay open indefinitely. But they decided to vote on the issue in case other board members missed a meeting, and to make sure they had someone to sign the district’s bank card.

“Just in case one of us is gone, everything’s two signatures and you want to have at least three (officers),” board president Ryan Griglak said.

Jim Candelaria acted as the secretary and treasurer before becoming vice president, and he said he would be happy to fill in Fisher and the rest of the board on what the job entails.

“If you want the definition of what you’re supposed to do as a secretary, I’ve got it for you,” he said.

Griglak nominated Fisher for the role, and he was voted in unanimously, with board member Micah Mobley being absent. He asked, jokingly, if anyone would be willing to vote against his nomination, but he accepted the position.

Monday was Grogan’s first meeting as the official district manager, after she was appointed to the position in December. She brought several other housekeeping items before the board, including an update to the bank signature card, rules for posting public meeting times and the designation of an official custodian.

In a follow-up to a discussion in their last meeting, the board also voted to approve a revised district requirement for vacuum testing manholes, to comply with international sanitation industry standards.
