
Rec center should be self-supporting

Monday, March 19, 2018 4:49 PM

We got our city ballot today. The Cortez City Council wants to continue the recreation center sales tax, albeit at a lower rate. Just as “nothing is so certain as death and taxes,” they seem to be equally permanent.

Whatever happened to the concept of paying your own way? The original financing scheme was flawed from the outset – taxing everyone for the benefit of the few.

If the rec center cannot be self-supporting, it does not deserve to exist. Let the true value to the members and users be born by the same. Oh, and they also want to be exempt from the constraints of the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights, so that any excess revenue could be retained.

All this does is enlarge the budget so as to justify spending. Vote “no” on continuing this abomination.

Bud Garner

