
Cortez City Council to vote on broadband pilot program

Sunday, March 25, 2018 2:14 PM

During a meeting on Tuesday, the Cortez City Council plans to vote on a resolution that will establish its new broadband pilot program.

First discussed before the council during a workshop on March 13, the Cortez Community Network Pilot is designed to test the city’s ability to become an internet services provider. The resolution sets fees and charges for the program, which the General Services Department plans to roll out this year. During the 7:30 p.m. meeting, the council will also take a final vote on several ordinances that received preliminary approval earlier this year, such as the purchase of real estate from Keith Evans and an amendment to the land use code that will allow the Children’s Kiva Montessori School to move into the old Montezuma County Justice Building.

According to a memo from General Services Director Rick Smith, the Community Network Pilot will charge a $150 installation fee and a $60 monthly fee for internet speeds of 100 mbps. During the March 13 workshop, Smith said the program will involve placing devices called GigaCenters in homes and businesses near the city’s already-installed fiber. He said the pilot will help the city decide whether to invest in providing high-speed internet directly to residents, instead of relying on private companies as it has in the past.

The agenda also includes three public hearings for ordinances the council approved on first reading at its last meeting. One is a land use code amendment that would add schools as a conditional use in the city’s open zoning district, a measure that would allow the Kiva to buy the Justice Building. The council will also take a final vote on whether to purchase 50 acres of real estate from Keith Evans to add to the Geer Natural Area, and whether to create a new board of appeals to review challenges to building code regulations.

During a workshop scheduled for 5:45 p.m., the council will discuss several upcoming issues, including an expansion at Phil’s World, tickets to the Montezuma Community Economic Development Association summit and the city’s annual cleanup day. City Manager Shane Hale, who announced his resignation on Friday, will also discuss the process of finding his replacement.

Other actionDuring the regular meeting, the council will also:

Issue a proclamation declaring April as Child Abuse Awareness Month.Vote on a proclamation announcing the Cortez Arbor Day celebration on April 19.Vote on whether to award a construction bid for a playground structure at the South Softball Complex to A to Z Recreation.Vote on a proposed 40-year land lease for hangar construction at the Cortez Municipal Airport.Vote on whether to award an outdoor janitorial bid to Bravo! Cleaning and Restoration.Vote on whether to approve the appointment of Kenneth Quigley to the Parks, Recreation and Forestry Advisory Board.Vote on whether to approve USI Insurance Services as the city’s new insurance broker.Hold two public comment periods.
