
40 Years Ago Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, Sept. 29, 1972 Larry and Marilyn Pleasant, Editors

Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012 8:41 PM

Sheriff Clarence Williams this week warned parents of the Dolores area that the problems of drugs being used by our young people is getting out of hand. Saturday evening he and local town policeman Lyle Jones broke up a marijuana party at the camper park just above town after Jones had noticed that something was going on there. Shortly after the two lawmen had broken up the party, a person who is now out of jail on $1,500 bond for selling LSD arrived on the scene.


Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Bailey from El Centro, Calif. are visiting in the area and at their property on the Dolores River.


Francis Rust Smith stopped by the Star office on Tuesday afternoon to visit for a while. She was born in Dolores in the house where the Jack Willet family now lives. Her dad was the light company here at that time. She now resides in Rosemead, Calif.


Mr. and Mrs. Rick Campbell, former residents of Dolores, are now living in Farmington and Mr. Campbell is teaching there at Hermosa Junior High School. They are reported as liking the school and city very much.


Bill Huston started working in Towaoc on Monday.


Lyel and Mary Cline and daughter Nikki are visiting their parents here this week. Lyel is on vacation from his job in Eagle.


Norman Edinger filled the pulpit at the Dolores United Methodist Church on Sunday.


Teresa Sturdevant celebrated her 12th birthday on Sunday with members of the family and several friends dropping by during the day.


Mr. and Mrs. Don McQuaid have just returned from a ten day trip to Oregon. Greta McQuaid, Henrietta Baer, Lilian Brown, Ella Cowling and Mildred Denby drove to Telluride on Sunday to enjoy the color-ride and have lunch before returning that evening.


Darwin Goodall and daughter, Joan Knowles were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dalrymple on Friday evening. J. Byers called on Leo on Saturday morning.


Mr. and Mrs. Harold McClain and little daughter have been here visiting with his parents in Cortez and Linda’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mory Plumlee of Dolores. They left Monday for Georgia where Harold will be stationed.


Rev. David Engle visited with Gracie Shafer on Monday morning and also did some work for her that she has been needing to have done.


Mr. and Mrs. Art Nielson and Dart and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sanders and Eric attended the Pete Honnen open house at the John Deere Store in Durango on Saturday.


Mildred Denby gave a luncheon on Tuesday fro Greta McQuaid, Henrietta Baer, and Lillian Brown.


Lillie Osterfeld and Gracie Shafer visited with Mrs. Ortiz up the Dolores river on Monday.


Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Plumlee and family have moved back to Dolores this week form Farmington where they have lived for several years.


Ruth Ann Deal attended a birthday slumber party on Friday afternoon at the home of Trina Anderson. She returned home on Saturday.


Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Carrigan drove to Telluride on Sunday for the coloride and enjoyed having dinner while there.


Mr. and Mrs. Aryol Brumley and family attended the football game in Pagosa on Saturday.

