
Dolores beats Pagosa in volleyball Saturday

Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012 8:43 PM

At the Saturday home-game, the Lady Bears won against the Pagosa Springs Lady Pirates with three matches against one. After starting with a defeat, the Lady Bears quickly picked up the pace to beat Pagosa.

The first match ended with defeat for Dolores, as Pagosa won by eight points, starting the game off in their favor. This, however, acted as fuel for the Lady Bears to kick it into gear, immediately getting back onto their feet in the next match. Although they start off with a large lead, the Lady Bears are quickly caught up to by the Lady Pirates, who begin to catch up and tie with Dolores at 14 points per team. Both Dolores and Pagosa are then struck by bad luck, as Pagosa accidently serves directly into the net twice and Dolores serves a few fouls. The match turns out well once both teams exit the slump and Dolores ties the score. The match ends with the Lady Bears scoring 26 over Pagosa’s 24.

The final two rounds was where the Lady Bears came out to shine, defeating the Lady Pirates by nine points, ending the third round with 25 points. Both teams gave all of their energy in a fierce game, neither team having any major mess-ups during the fourth and final match. The match began with both teams on each others necks, but the Lady Bears quickly pulled ahead, ending the match with the scoreboard reading 25-12.

Both teams had extreme amounts of energy, but Dolores was the one able to use that energy to win by a landslide, having won three matches compared to Pagosa’s one.

Dolores beat the Mancos Bluejays at Mancos Tuesday night, 3-1 (25-19, 12-25, 25-20, 25-22).
