
UPDATE: Missing Cortez teen boy is found in Texas

Thursday, April 12, 2018 11:22 AM

A 16-year-old boy who was reported missing from Cortez the first week of April has been found, according to police.

Police Sgt. Rex Brinkerhoff on Wednesday said police first started searching for William Gallegos after he was reported missing from his home on South Chestnut Street at 6:06 p.m. Friday. Initial attempts to contact family and friends who might know his whereabouts were unsuccessful. On Thursday, Lt. Andy Brock confirmed that the boy was found safe in Midland, Texas, at 8:41 p.m. Wednesday.

Brinkerhoff said that when Gallegos’ mother, Ashley Gallegos Crawford, first reported him missing, there was some indication he was planning to stay with relatives. Brock said reports from Midland law enforcement backed up that theory, saying Gallegos was trying to connect with his family and girlfriend in Texas.

Gallegos Crawford circulated pictures on social media in an attempt to find him, and notified The Journal late Tuesday night.

When a child is reported missing in Cortez, Brinkerhoff said, police typically enter his or her name in a national database of runaways and missing persons, then start calling family and friends who might know about the person’s whereabouts.
