
Board votes on restricting water, special meeting for budget

Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012 8:40 PM

The big news at last week’s town board meeting was the water restriction that the board voted on and approved. Glen Humiston and Tom Weaver were at the meeting and explained that they, along with Wayne Eppich, had priority #2 and the Town of Mancos had priority #3. So, for the next three weeks they were going to use their allotted water to water their livestock and irrigate their land. In exchange, the board, pending legal review, voted to “amend the water and sewer rates” for the two ranches, so they wouldn’t have to pay double the amount that town residents pay.

Humiston talked about the water priorities being called in 1875. “Of course, we won’t let the town go without water; this is my town, too, and I want it to be okay.”

Dave Sipe spoke to the board about the “lack of businesses in Mancos”, and he requested that the town consider “backing off”. He said the town had been “favoring residential property values” and to not enact more ordinances and taxes that “inhibit businesses”.

“We have to learn to coexist whether there are chickens or goats or junk cars in their backyard,” he said.

The board briefly looked at the 2013 budget, which was presented at this meeting. They decided to have a workshop to go over the budget more fully on Nov. 3 at 9 a.m. The budget needs to be approved by the Dec. 12 meeting.

Financial contributions from the town were made to the Mancos Senior Center, ($1,400) Painted TUrtle Art Studio ($1,400) and Axis Mental Health Center ($500). The total amount is $3,300, the same figure that was contributed last year.
