
Let’s give Mesa Verde horses a chance

Thursday, May 3, 2018 7:05 PM

I am a U.S. citizen and Colorado resident. I agree with the recent plan to invest and improve the border fencing around Mesa Verde National Park to prevent horse and cattle access.

Regarding the solution for the 80 horses and 12 cows living in the park area (Journal, April 13), there are better solutions than transferring them to veterinarians for “euthanasia,” an innocent sounding word meaning “death.” Is that really the best outcome we can think of?

Here are some other options:

1) Transfer them the to nearby BLM public lands.

2) Contact the numerous horse rescue associations in the area who will care for them and provide shelter until they can be adopted by caring families. The Harmony Equine Center near Denver is one of many private nonprofit centers whose mission fits the solution.

3) If the National Park Service requires funds to assist with the cost of moving the horses, it could ask for funding from The National Park Foundation, which is funded from donations by private citizens. The NPS could also request funding from private donors in Colorado and other nearby states.

Wild horses and cattle are part of our unique western heritage and history. We are the world’s most prosperous country; surely we can step up in this situation with a solution for both the horses and Mesa Verde.

John Wadden

