
Mancos school board talks construction and budget

Tuesday, May 22, 2018 5:25 PM

The Mancos School District Re-6 board on Monday discussed upcoming school construction.

The district planned a groundbreaking ceremony for May 24 at 1:30 p.m.

Owners representative Monty Guiles reported that the construction crew has offered summer jobs to Mancos High School students Jake McKie and Hunter Hoover.

Superintendent Brian Hanson reported that he has received questions about whether trees will be lost to construction.

“If a tree can be saved, OK, but it is not going to be designed around a specific tree,” Hanson said. “I do anticipate the trees on the western border will be spared as a buffer between us and the other house, but I also know in our landscape design there are a lot of trees that are going to be planted.”

The board also discussed and approved the preliminary budget for the 2018-2019 fiscal year.

District business manager Chrissie Miller said she would have the final budget ready for approval at the June board meeting.

Board Treasurer Tim Hunter said the preliminary budget is $30.6 million. Also according to Hunter, the numbers break down as follows: the general fund is 6.59 million; the preschool fund, $242,048; the food service fund, $284,346; the bond redemption fund, $345,664; the building fund, $22.74 million; the capital reserve projects, $203,520; and the pupil activity fund, $187,961.

The preliminary budget was approved in a 4-0 vote. Board member Ed Whritner was absent.

Secondary Principal Adam Priestly reported that the 2018 senior class has received $550,000 in scholarships.

No citizens addressed the board at Monday’s meeting.

Other board actionThe board unanimously approved the consent calendar:

The final 2018 substitute list.The hiring of Kaitlin Mihane for middle school special education.The hiring of Joshua Dalley for secondary science. The coaching positions for the 2018-2019 school year.Michelle Perez-Pena for the elementary special education position.Erica Holm’s resignation as administrative assistant.Erica Holm for the first-grade position.Chip Holdmeir for the elementary ESS position.Hiring Dawn Zeutzius as custodian.Increasing meal pricing for the 2018-2019 school year.Good Manufacturing Practice with James Construction.The 2018-2019 salary schedules.An addendum to act on resolution to approve fund appropriation.
