I have always found that the best way to ensure children are getting the most out of their education is by supporting them and being involved with their schools. My children know our family values education, and that it is up to them to apply themselves and do their best. I wholeheartedly feel that the teachers here in Cortez are quality and dedicated, but what you get out of the school system is what you put into it. We as parents must consistently take an active role and accept responsibility for whether or not our children are successful in school, but environment also plays a role.
For me, the school bond issue is not about how people feel about our teachers or administrators, accreditation, school boards or test scores, it is about addressing the serious deficiencies in our outdated 46-year-old high school. It is about serious health, safety and security issues, inadequate classrooms, cafeteria, auditorium and gymnasium spaces, poor location, poor parking, and all the other costly deficiencies in the current building. Many of these problems must be fixed within the next 1-5 years regardless, and at a much higher expense than building a new school because we have the BEST grant to help with half the costs.
We must offer our kids a healthier, safer, and adequate environment to attend high school here. By not passing the bond we are hurting the kids more than anything else.
Two key factors for most people in deciding where to live are: 1) what resources are offered for health care, and 2) the quality of education. Being from a small town in the Four Corners myself, I understand what a huge impact high school has on the community not just educationally, but for all the activities that high schools bring to a community as a whole. This is a monumental opportunity to make a difference for our future and kids. If not us, who? If not now, when?
Dr. Terry R. Cook
Via CortezJournal.com