
3B: Keep God in our new school, pot out

Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 9:31 PM


God gives us all freedom. Freedom is taken way too lightly in America. This land is our land. This nation was built on the foundation that all men are created equal. But this truth didn’t begin with the Constitution. It was put in the heart of man by God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He gave us freedom to choose life or death. We should be thankful for our friends and neighbors who consider voting a privilege.

When we did not vote against Madalyn Murray O’Hair in 1963, prayer was taken out of our schools. Now we have another situation to vote for or against a new school building, New building, old building, if we continue to keep God out of our building, it’s just a building.

Let’s vote “yes” on 3B, but make sure our God is living and active in there so we can be guaranteed that our children and grandchildren will be safe and secure and well educated.

When prayer was taken out of schools in 1963, there was an erosion of morals. Statistics show an increase in pregnancies for girls by age 15 from 5,000 to 27,000 in one year.

Vote “yes” on 64 if you want to choose marijuana in our new school building. Watch our new building literally go to pot taking our next generation to the depths of illiteracy, poverty, molestation and doom as a nation not under God.

Vote “no” on 64 if you value our youth, our next generation, expecting them to do and to be even more successful than we could ever imagine.

Take advantage of our freedom to vote and take our nation back. One thing I hold to be true: “Our freedom does not come from our constitution; our constitution of freedom comes from our God.”

Lolita Finley


Via email
