
Suckla, for our kids and their future

Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 9:31 PM


As parents who chose to raise their family in Montezuma County, we support Larry Don Suckla for county Ccommissioner. He is the only candidate who has talked about family values. When he was asked why he wanted to run for county commissioner, he said “For our kids and their future.” It should be at the heart of this county to make sure that the things we do are for the betterment of future generations.

If you haven’t talked to him, do. Find out for yourselves. This election is important to not only us, but for those that come after us. I’ve heard some people say their vote doesn’t even count, but it does and especially at the local level. Look how just a few votes changed the outcome of the other elections. Go, Larry Don! We are proud of you for stepping up and believe you will be a great county commissioner! Thank you.

Cindy Coulon


