Political ads can be misleading to say the least. Withdrawing our government funding from Planned Parenthood does not close the doors to womens health screening. There are thousands of opportunities for free mammograms and womans health screening to women who qualify. Withdrawing our government funding from Planned Parenthood will make life-changing differences, but not in the way the Obama campaign would want you to think.
332,278 abortions were performed through Planned Parenthood in 2009, an average of 910 lives terminated every hour or one baby killed every 95 seconds. To put that in perspective, by the time you start reading the newspaper and finish the last page, approximately 900 babies will have been murdered. (2009 are the latest studies available, the statistics for babies aborted are probably much high today.)
If these facts are not enough to sway you then consider, Planned Parenthood received $363.2 million in government grants in 2009. That breaks down to a little under one million dollars per day. In four more years, if the grants continue this will add up to over one billion tax dollars. I can certainly think of more worthy causes to spend our tax dollars on. Hey, instead of killing our children, lets use the money to educate them
I have many reasons for voting for Romney. Foremost is he stands up for God, and we havent seen that for, well, too long. Bringing back the moral foundations this country was built on is a step in the right direction. Family values, morals, the sanctity of marriage, entrepreneurs, supporting our military with funding and our hearts, expansion of our natural resources, are just a few things we seemed to have lost sight of.
Lets fix us. Lets mend our broken country first; then we will be able to look into the future and what that may need. We cannot begin to make things better until we are better. Start healing from the inside, start on solid moral ground, and build up from there, just as our country was built on in the beginning
FYI, I am a Baptist.
Sherry Simmons
Via email