
Mancos moves forward with public art

Wednesday, June 6, 2018 10:17 PM

The Mancos Board of Trustees on May 23 unanimously awarded a $2,000 contract to Lily Russo from the Board of Trustees and $1,000 from the Creative District for a flower mosaic on the bathrooms of Boyle Park.

Russo gave a presentation to the board of her experience in mosaic art and an option of two designs. The board favored a flower design.

Trustees unanimously approved the project, Preservation Nomination of Mount Lookout Grange No. 339, for “cultural purposes.”

Kathryn Fulton spoke to the board about projects being considered by the Grange.

Trustees approved the application for historic designation by unanimous roll call vote after the item was heard at a public hearing before the Planning Commission on May 16.

After discussion, the board voted unanimously to raise water and sewage overage rates to $2 per 1,000 gallons for customers who use 6,001 to 9,000 gallons a month. Customers who use more than 9,000 gallons a month would pay $4 per 1,000 gallons.

“This year in January, we decided not to do any rate increases until we had a chance to do some research and talk about it as a board,” Town Administrator Heather Alvarez said. “When we built the sewer plant, we had a horrendous increase because we were not doing a little bit each year – it was like a 56 percent increase – and our citizens just cannot afford that. So what this does is, it increases the rates 2½ percent on both water and sewer.”

The trustees also discussed the town’s code enforcement process, deciding to take a more proactive approach. “I like the idea of proactive because it is more fair,” Trustee Cindy Simpson said.

Mayor Queenie Barz raised concerns about elderly citizens who might have physical trouble with following code enforcement. Town code officials, administrators and the board agreed that on the town’s cleanup day, volunteers could help those citizens.

According to the draft minutes of the meeting, provided by Alvarez, “staff has been conducting code enforcement on a reactive basis when citizen feedback is received. We are going to begin conducting proactive code enforcement. A workflow was submitted to the board for their review. Staff will move forward with the preparations.”

The board moved into executive session at 8:35 p.m. to discuss legal advice with town attorney David Liberman.

The board adjourned their meeting at 10:01 p.m.

Other board actionThe board unanimously approved the renewal of the Columbine Bar’s liquor license. Betsy Harrison recused herself from the Columbine and Grange actions because of conflicts of interest. According to Harrison, she is on both boards of directors.

Three citizens addressed the board with concerns about chemical spraying in Mancos parks. Cathy Sucherman and Sharon Rosenbaum offered to pull weeds, foxtail and cheatgrass. Sucherman also offered to serve on an advisory committee to organize these efforts.

One citizen addressed the board with concerns about the upcoming Mancos Schools construction. Shoshana Winer requested a variance in city code to install a 6-foot-high fence to protect her property. The current code allows a 4-foot fence.

Alvarez reported that the Peace Run visited Mancos on May 17 and presented the town with a certificate and plaque. Alarez also reported that The Lion’s Club will install new steps, lights, roofing, safety cables and logos in Boyle Park.
