Thanks, Bud. Tropical storm brings steady rainfall to 416 Fire


Thanks, Bud. Tropical storm brings steady rainfall to 416 Fire

Forecasters predict up to 0.8 inches of moisture through Sunday, surpassing June average
Steady rain fell over the 416 Fire on Saturday morning. Heavier rains are expected later today, bringing the potential for flash flooding.
Rain clouds gather over the 416 Fire near the Falls Creek Ranch subdivision Saturday morning. Heavier rains are expected later today, bringing the potential for flash flooding.
A drop of water falls into a puddle as a quick rain shower moved through the Hermosa area on Thursday afternoon. More rain arrived early Saturday, courtesy of Tropical Storm Bud.

Thanks, Bud. Tropical storm brings steady rainfall to 416 Fire

Steady rain fell over the 416 Fire on Saturday morning. Heavier rains are expected later today, bringing the potential for flash flooding.
Rain clouds gather over the 416 Fire near the Falls Creek Ranch subdivision Saturday morning. Heavier rains are expected later today, bringing the potential for flash flooding.
A drop of water falls into a puddle as a quick rain shower moved through the Hermosa area on Thursday afternoon. More rain arrived early Saturday, courtesy of Tropical Storm Bud.
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