Im sick and tired of media outlets and publications such as yourself claiming that the GOP is the party of the rich. Can you say George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Larry Ellison or Michael Bloomberg? Should I mention the Kennedy family or John Kerry? According to the New American Gazette, 60 of the top 100 richest people are actually Democrats. Perhaps the media is just ignorant, too lazy to do its job, or more likely wants to promote its ideals for socialistic utopia. Im not rich in fact Im probably barely even in the middle class but I dont think its fair to take my money or anyones money and give it to someone else. Ill ask you again, how is that fair?
This whole myth that the GOP is not for working people and minorities is perpetuated by those in the media. It doesnt take a brain surgeon to see that social programs have absolutely failed where they have been implemented. Look at Michigan, Illinois and California, just to name a few. Black-on-black crime is through the roof, schools are in shambles and the states are all operating in the red. Yet, we dont hear about that from the media. Instead we hear how the Romneys put their dog on the roof of their car decades ago. Wow! That is some hard=hitting news!
The only reason I subscribe to your paper is for the local news coverage, but Im starting to wonder if its worth it when you support and endorse a man like Barack Obama.
Grant Moore
Via email