Schwartz makes race competitive with Tipton, Kent


Schwartz makes race competitive with Tipton, Kent


Schwartz makes race competitive with Tipton, Kent

Scott Tipton

Age: 59
Residence: Cortez
Education: Fort Lewis College
Political Background: Incumbent representative for the 3rd Congressional District; former state representative
Occupation: Started Mesa Verde Indian Pottery in Cortez
Family: Wife, Jean; two daughters; granddaughter
Top Issue: Jobs and the economy
Rural Colorado: Holding the EPA accountable, reducing regulations
Abortion: Opposes abortion except in cases of rape, incest and risk to the mother’s life
Immigration: Secure the borders
Health Care Reform: Increase competition to lower spiking premiums in rural Colorado
Marijuana: Protect Colorado’s right to legalization
Gun Control: Ardent supporter of Second Amendment
Gold King Mine Fallout: Hold EPA to water monitoring; pass Good Samaritan legislation
Iran: Opposes nuclear deal and payments
Education: Offer greater local control and fewer nationalized standards

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