Late breaking news!
Jama Collins (Late of Atlanta, Georgia) will be making and serving cheesy grits to go along with the MLK breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage, pancakes and all the trimmings. The breakfast committee has begun its planning for the Jan. 21 event.
During the past four years we've put together a great crew of volunteer cooks, dishwashers, servers, and greeters. Join the gang and bring some new blood to the group. Shifts are usually only 2 or 3 hours, and we have all kinds of fun tasks. This great community event gathers up Mancosites to reconnect for the New Year. Originally initiated by Nadia Hebard with a vision of supporting local growers and producers to serve at this breakfast, it has evolved into welcome January event on the Mancos calendar. Cash donations are very welcome to keep the tradition moving forward by supporting our local gardeners, chicken-keepers, beekeepers, sausage-makers, etc. by purchasing their goods for the celebration.
There is no charge for the breakfast (donations are welcome!) and is open to everyone. School's out that day - bring the kids! Serving kicks off at 7 a.m. and closes down 'round 10 a.m.
If you would like to participate in or contribute to this event, please contact Dian Law (522-7536), Betsy Harrison (533-1068) or Peggy Littlejohn (533-1053) or you can email dian ( Thanks alot!