Kaleidoscope Wellness, 233 Park St., will have a visualization class on Saturday, Jan. 19 from 10:15 to 11:45 a.m. It will be taught by Kent and Renee Miller.
"We will practice visualization and meditation to experience the use of these tools. Bring a picture or item that is loved, trusted, and emotionally secure to where you are in your life today".
Use visualization, the tool box wihtin you, to assist in the healing of illness or pain in your life. Change the direction and environment to align to your true life path.
What caused the illness or pain? Your life pattern has brought you to this point. begin to take the bricks out of your backpack through visualization and meditation. Augment Western, Chinese or natural medicine by using the tool box wihtin you to bring back balance and allow your body to do what it was desgned to do - heal itself.
A minimum donation of $5 to Kaleidoscope is encouraged.