Erin Johnson, a Rico resident and business owner has joined the Region 9 Economic Development District's Business Loan Fund (BLF) Committee. Johnson also practices law and has an extensive background in land use and development, local government, real estate, and business. She grew up in Southwest Colorado where her grandfather was a pioneer doctor. She is a business consultant and co-author/editor of several books and articles.
Johnson was approved by the Region 9 Executive Board, and will fill a Dolores County position.
The Loan Committee is composed of two representatives from each of the five counties in southwest Colorado, plus two at-large positions with at least one person with loan making experience, one person with an accounting background, one person with a real estate background and two with a background in business. The term on the loan committee is two years, but there is no limit to the number of terms a committee person may serve.
For more information on the Loan program and Committee, please contact Region 9 at 970-247-9621 or visit our web page at