Dear Editor:
The success of the Seed Swap held at the Mancos Public Library was due in large part to the efforts of Gretchen Gronke and Midge Kirk.
Many boxes of free seeds were brought in and displayed, ready for the sharing as well as two large pots of homemade soup and a loaf of amazing bread. Thank you, wonderful women!
The success was also due to the presence of so many in our Mancos area who truly value the movement to save our seeds and keep them pure. Small farmers, working with heirloom, non-GMO and open pollinated seeds are the "good fortune" we enjoy. We can grow our own and/or buy from our neighbors at Farmers' Market or through CSA's.
We cherish the right to our seed and for farmers to plant without fear of lawsuits from corporate giants such as Monsanto.
Food freedom with free seeds! Our good fortune!
Happy growing
Barb Cannon