Neighbors rescue deer struggling in flowing Dolores canal


Neighbors rescue deer struggling in flowing Dolores canal

Woman enters water, uses lasso to pull does to safety
ABOVE: Lenore Sparks used a lasso to capture and free deer that became trapped Sunday in an irrigation ditch south of Narraguinnep Lake.
LEFT: These deer were struggling to escape an irrigation ditch when a woman jumped in to help.
Lenore Sparks rescues an exhausted doe from an irrigation ditch with the help of neighbors and her father, Bucky Sparks.

Neighbors rescue deer struggling in flowing Dolores canal

ABOVE: Lenore Sparks used a lasso to capture and free deer that became trapped Sunday in an irrigation ditch south of Narraguinnep Lake.
LEFT: These deer were struggling to escape an irrigation ditch when a woman jumped in to help.
Lenore Sparks rescues an exhausted doe from an irrigation ditch with the help of neighbors and her father, Bucky Sparks.