I believe that Carol Lynn Rising and Janet Koppri, as Christians, have missed their own point concerning gay marriage. “As Christians, we must comment on your front page (May 7) article regarding the county’s first civil union” – C. Rising and J. Koppri. I would like to ask them where in that statement is marriage? The truth is a “same-gender civil-union” is not a marriage, or it would be termed one.
Genesis 2:23-24 is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. I would agree that “wife” implies a marriage, and that marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman. Must that be the only sacred union? I, for one, applaud any 12-year-long loving relationship such as Williams and Gipson have enjoyed. I don’t need John 13:34-35 to understand that. Whether you are for or against same-sex civil unions, or marriage, whether a person believes homosexuality is a mortal sin or a natural loving relationship isn’t the point. Compassion and understanding, peace and brotherly love are the lessons which Christianity is founded upon. I hope and pray that Rising and Koppri’s heart is in the right place. It is not for me to know. I do know that God has created all things, but it is up to us to make it a heaven or a hell. Love one another.
Richard M. Feit