As some believe that marriage was made by God between a man and a woman, did God also make divorce? And why does a couple have to get a license from a government office? Reference to the Bible is used to back up this statement, yet some do not refer to the Bible, following their religious freedom here in the United States. In other parts of the world, other religions are dominant.
God did not write the Bible; men put down these words as the word of God, which was passed on to them verbally. The Ten Commandments were brought down the mountain by Moses as given to him by God. They are basic moral guidance. “Honor your mother and father” and “Do not covet your neighbor’s wife” are commandments, but there is not a commandment stating anything explicit about marriage. Arranged marriages were contracted by parents and the individual was required to obey their parents. So ... what did God say about that? Check it out. Single at birth, married, divorced, single, what’s next?
Constance Keepe