Mounted Patrol celebrates 2- year anniversary


Mounted Patrol celebrates 2- year anniversary

Mustangs serving with the Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office
The Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office Mounted Patrol back in 2018: Deputy Donnie Brown and his horse, Rebel; Sgt. Edward Oxley and his horse, Charley; and Detective Yvonne McClellan and her horse, Cody.
Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office Mounted Patrol deputies Ed Oxley and Don Brown ride their horses, Charlie and Rebel, in the 2017 Veterans Day parade. This year marks the two-year anniversary for the Mounted Patrol.
The Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office Mounted Patrol poses with three hunters the crew helped rescue in Bear Creek on Oct. 22, 2018. The hunters spent an unplanned night in the canyon after running out of daylight while following an elk.

Mounted Patrol celebrates 2- year anniversary

The Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office Mounted Patrol back in 2018: Deputy Donnie Brown and his horse, Rebel; Sgt. Edward Oxley and his horse, Charley; and Detective Yvonne McClellan and her horse, Cody.
Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office Mounted Patrol deputies Ed Oxley and Don Brown ride their horses, Charlie and Rebel, in the 2017 Veterans Day parade. This year marks the two-year anniversary for the Mounted Patrol.
The Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office Mounted Patrol poses with three hunters the crew helped rescue in Bear Creek on Oct. 22, 2018. The hunters spent an unplanned night in the canyon after running out of daylight while following an elk.
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