It’s time for butterflies and flowers


It’s time for butterflies and flowers

Southwest Colorado’s jewels sparkle in the summer
Hoary comma
Callippe fritillary
Common alpine
Arrowhead blue
Western tiger swallowtail

It’s time for butterflies and flowers

Hoary comma
Callippe fritillary
Common alpine
Arrowhead blue
Western tiger swallowtail
Wildflower trip planned
on Echo Basin Road

The San Juan/Four Corners Native Plant Society will take a wildflower trip to Echo Basin on Saturday, June 29.
On this slow-paced trip, the group will make a number of stops along the Echo Basin Loop Road to enjoy a wide variety of plants. Numerous rivulets cross the road, so participants will be treated to a number of species of wetland-loving plants, including elephant heads (pedicularis groenlandica).
This is a trip for wildflower enthusiasts who want to see a variety of montane habitats. The altitude the group will explore will range from about 9,300 feet to 10,000 feet. The habitats are wet and dry meadows, oak patches, aspen groves and pine forests.
There will be plenty of time for questions about plants, for wildflower photography, and for enjoying the views. Participants should bring lunch, two liters of water, rain gear and clothing layers.
For more information, call Al Schneider, (970) 882-4647, or email More information about this trip and other Native Plant Society activities and meetings is available at

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