I have been reading the letters to the editor by Catherine Spencer. I know both parties. I’ve also read the paper where the city is working with the lady who is helping the vet.
The only help I see the city doing is to fine her $500 a day if the vet is not gone by Aug. 31.
In any city or town in this great country, this lady would be in the news, in the paper, would be a hero for taking in a homeless, handicapped vet and giving him a home.
But in Cortez, they want to see the vet homeless living in the park or his car. The city should be proud of itself. After five years, the lady and vet are breaking the law.
In any other city or town, the veterans would come to the aid of the lady and vet. But this is Cortez, and the VFW and American Legion just put their heads in the sand and hope the problem will go away. They might even have to pony up some money to help. Once again, they and the city just don’t care.
So in closing, the city needs to pass more laws so we have more homeless. The city needs more homeless vets so they can hold their heads high.
I’ll never tell a vet that Cortez is a great place to live. I’ll say it again: Cortez just doesn’t care.
Don Cossack